Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society members and board of directors pictured at the society’s annual meeting held in conjunction with the state meeting of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts on February 26, 2023.
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society hosted its annual meeting at the state meeting of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts held February 26 in Oklahoma City. In attendance were some two dozen OCHS members from across the state of Oklahoma.
At the meeting the OCHS Board was proud to update the membership on our accomplishment over the previous year. Highlights include:
*Recording of fourteen oral history interviews, to make a total of fifty interviews in our oral history collection.
*Digitization of twelve thousand historic photographs from conservation district offices across the state of Oklahoma.
*Creation of six large pop-up banners that describe different themes in the history of Oklahoma conservation. These are available for check out by OCHS members for public display.
*Training for conservation professional led by OCHS board members.
*Development of our website as a hub for OCHS projects.
*Attaining our certification as a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Please consider joining OCHS today, to help us continue our work to collect, preserve, and share Oklahoma’s rich conservation history.