Historic Photograph: Native Grasses for Conservation in Blaine County c. 1946
Today's Oklahoma Conservation History photos come from the records of the Soil Conservation Service at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Taken in October 1946 on farm and ranch lands outside Geary, these photos illustrate the long-standing conservation partnership in Oklahoma.
“Standing in an area of old cultivated 85 acre field that 4 years ago were planted to Indian and little bluestem…, C.E. Bunch, Soil Conservation Service technician, points out to Mr. [Ralph] McClung [Supervisor on the Central W. Canadian SCD Board] an additional acreage that should be planted to grass. This 85 acre field has been idle 2 or 3 years and McClung plans to seed native grass on the entire area.” Photo taken October 29, 1946 on land northwest of Geary in Blaine County, OK. Records of the Soil Conservation Service, General Photographic File, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland
“Part of 70 acre old cultivated field retired & planted to little bluestem, buffalo, switch, Indian and blue grama grasses about the 1st of March 1945. Mixture was seeded at rate of about 12# per acre. This 10 acres was seed permanent pasture on clean cotton land. Yield is estimated to be 30 to 35# combined material per ac. [Rancher John] Briscoe retired 135 acres last year on this & 65 acres on another farm he owns. Next year he plans to plant 20 additional acres of bluestem on a field now in rye & vetch. Driving the tractor is Curtis Hudson, cooperator, 1 mi. east of Geary, while his brother Dillard, rides the combine.” Photo taken October 30, 1946 on the John Briscoe Ranch south of Geary in Blaine County, OK. Records of the Soil Conservation Service, General Photographic File, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.