Conservation History Blog

Congratulations, Ed Casey!
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society (OCHS) extends its congratulations to Ed Casey on his election as the President of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD).

OCHS Celebrates Conservation Legacy at OACD State Meeting
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society was proud to participate in the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts state meeting held in Norman, February 23rd-25th, 2025. We extend our sincere appreciation to the OACD leadership team for organizing another exceptional event that brought together conservation leaders from across the state. This gathering provided a valuable opportunity to connect with our members, partners, and stakeholders.

OCHS Highlights from 2024
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society completed its seventh year of operation in 2024. Our mission is “to collect, preserve and share Oklahoma’s rich conservation history.” This post shares some the highlights of the work accomplished in 2024.

New Year’s Letter from OCHS President Ben Pollard
As we begin 2025, I want to thank you for your continued support of the Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society and share some highlights from a remarkable year of growth and achievement.

Death of OCHS Board Member Patti Christian
The board of the Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society is saddened to report the death of board member Patti Christian on June 25th. Patti had served on the OCHS board since February 2020 and helped represent the interests of Oklahoma’s conservation district employees. She had worked for the McClain County Conservation District in Purcell since 1992 and was the District Manager at the time of her death. Patti has also been active throughout her career in the Oklahoma Association of Conservation District Employees. Patti’s leadership in Oklahoma’s conservation community will be missed.

OCHS Traveling Photographic Exhibit Showcased at the Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum in Woodward
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society (OCHS) is proud to announce that our traveling exhibit, "A Photographic History of Soil and Water Conservation in Oklahoma," is being showcased at the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum in Woodward throughout the month of June.

Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society Celebrates 75th Anniversary of Cloud Creek No. 1 with Congressman Frank Lucas
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society and the Washita County Conservation District welcomed conservation dignitaries to Cordell, Oklahoma on April 23, 2023, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Cloud Creek No. 1, the first upstream flood control dam completed as part of a national program of watershed flood control and soil conservation under the authority of the 1944 Flood Control Act.

OCHS Annual Meeting to be held February 25th, 2024
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society is pleased to invited our members and supporters to join us Sunday February 25th for our annual meeting to be held 1PM in the Scissortail Room of the Embassy Suites at 3233 NW Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK.

OCHS Unveils Oklahoma Conservation History Photography Exhibit
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society (OCHS) is proud to unveil a photographic exhibit of the history of soil and water conservation in Oklahoma told through images from the OCHS Photography Collection.
The collection contains approximately 12,000 unique images from all 77 counties that document the work of Oklahoma's conservation professionals protecting the state's soil and water resources over six decades.
The exhibit features ten panels pairing selected photographs with explanatory text placing each image in its historical context. It covers the period from the 1920s to the 1970s — spanning the origins of soil conservation in Oklahoma, the establishment of the conservation partnership in the 1930s, the growth of the small watershed program in the 1940s, the widespread adoption of conservation practices on the Great Plains in the 1950s, the benefits of conservation seen in the 1960s, and the changing role of conservation in the community during the 1970s.

George Stunkard: Conservation Leader
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society is proud to recognize the years of dedicated service George Stunkard has given to the State of Oklahoma championing conservation. George was a founding member of the Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society and one of the first conservationists to provide his oral history for the Society's Oral History Project.

FIRST IN THE NATION WATERSHED DAM: CLOUD CREEK SITE No. 1 CELEBRATES 75 YEARS — July 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the dedication of Cloud Creek Detention Reservoir No. 1 on July 8, 1948. That day people from across Oklahoma and the United States came to the Troy Orr farm, a few miles southeast of Cordell in Washita County, to take part in celebrating completion of the nation’s first upstream watershed dam — first in the country to be built as part of a national program authorized by the 1944 Flood Control Act (P.L.534)

The Oklahoma Conservation Commission honored long-time Area 3 Commissioner Scotty Herriman. Scotty was recognized for his many years of service both to the Commission and to the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD). He had previously served as a board member and President of OACD.

The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society wishes to welcome our new state conservationist — Jeanne Hamilton. NRCS Chief Terry Cosby recently announced that he has selected Ms. Hamilton to serve as State Conservationist for Oklahoma. She will begin work in Stillwater on July 2nd. Her selection is historically significant, as she is the first woman to hold the job of state conservationist in Oklahoma.

After nearly five years of work, Oklahoma State University’s Oklahoma Oral History Research Program (OOHRP) has completed 50 conservation oral histories. The oral histories are housed in Oklahoma’s Conservation Heritage Oral History Collection on the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Library’s website.

OCHS Projects to be Showcased at Oklahoma History Symposium
Two OCHS projects will featured at annual Oklahoma History Symposium hosted by the Oklahoma Historical Society on April 22nd, 2023 at the History Center in Oklahoma City.

OCHS Awarded Grant Funds for Photo History Project
OCHS is happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Oklahoma Historical Society to create a traveling photo exhibit to showcase images like this one that are part of our conservation history photo collection hosted on the Gateway to Oklahoma website. The exhibit will be of museum quality and will be made available to regional and local museums and for conservation district events.

The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society congratulates the Blue Thumb Water Quality Education Program on its 30 Year Anniversary! Blue Thumb, a program of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission and local conservation districts, has a mission of “Stream Protection Through Education.” It supports citizen scientist volunteers who monitor streams, submit data, and help educate others about protecting Oklahoma’s streams and rivers.

Conservation Historical Society Projects to be Featured at Oklahoma History Symposium
OCHS Board Member, Larry Caldwell, will be participating in a session titled “Collaborating to Preserve Oklahoma’s Conservation History” at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Historical Society on April 22, 2023.

Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society hosted its annual meeting at the state meeting of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts held February 26 in Oklahoma City.