From Left to Right: Joe Caughlin, OACD President; Ben Pollard, OCHS President, Scotty Herriman, Area 3 Commissioner, State Representative Jim Grego; Kim Farber, OCHS Board Member and Ed Casey, OCHS Board Member
The Oklahoma Conservation Commission recently honored long-time Area 3 Commissioner Scotty Herriman. Commissioner Herriman completed two five-year terms as commissioner and did not seek re-appointment. Scotty was recognized for his many years of service both to the Commission and to the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD). He has previously served as a board member and President of OACD.
The reception was attended by many of the past commissioners that had served with Scotty as well as OACD representatives, Conservation Commission staff past and present, NRCS staff, and Nowata County Conservation District board members. State Representative Jim Grego, who had served with Scotty on the Commission for two years, presented Scotty with a commendation from the Oklahoma House of Representatives. A number of conservationists spoke about Scotty’s service and the tremendous job he has done over the years as a mentor and as a steady hand that helped navigate the good times and the hard times.
Mr. Herriman has served on the Nowata County Conservation District Board since 1977. He was in the first Conservation Leadership Class sponsored by OACD in 1997. For his lifetime of conservation work he was inducted into the Oklahoma Conservation Hall of Fame.
Ben Pollard, Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society (OCHS) President, said “Scotty Herriman has been a remarkable conservation leader in Oklahoma and a mentor to me and many others in his career. He was a founding member of OCHS and has been a sustaining member in our five years of operation.” Scotty provided his oral history for the Oklahoma Conservation Heritage Oral History Collection which is available on the Oklahoma State University Library website.
The Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society congratulates Scotty Herriman for his ten years of service as Area 3 Commissioner of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission!