Historic Photograph: The Conservation Partnership in Action

This historic photograph from 1944 showing the farm planning process is a good example of the the conservation partnership in action. The original caption reads: "Mr. Ray C. Murrell, Work Unit Conservationist and farmowner, Paul Hertzler, examine a conservation survey map sowing where Hertzler's terraces will be constructed. Hertzler is building a terrace outlet that will be vegetated before his terraces are constructed. He uses the tractor and homemade bulldozer to shape channels, make terrace fills, etc." USDA-SCS Photo by Elvwin W. Jenkins. Photo from the Records of the Soil Conservation Service, General Photographic File, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.


This Day in Conservation History: The Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act of 1977


Historic Photograph: Hugh Bennett visits Oklahoma, May 1943